Through the years I've been called many things - Red, Moses, Doctor, Professor, Bish, Hey You - and Bish seems to be the name that stuck. It's short, simple, and easy to spell. This is my blog. It tells a little bit about my life. I hope to update it every now and then, and we'll see what happens.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Creationst Musings
Did you know that in the entire world, there is NO place where the evolutinary geologic column exists? Nowhere. In fact, there's no place where more than 3 layers of material are in the "correct" evolutionary order. Yet this LIE is still in our public school textbooks.
Did you know that the ideas of gill slits and parallel embryonic development were proven false OVER 125 YEARS ago? By secular science? Yet these LIES are STILL in our public school textbooks today!
Did you know that most state laws require textbooks for schools to be accurate? Yet somehow these LIES, and others, keep getting included.
Willful ignorance is bliss.
Still More Apples
"A" is for apple, "B" is for...
Apples Re-visited
Enjoyment to the Core.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Beware the Bear
What’s that I see? Is it? Yes it is, a fire. And two people. This one looks promising. Got to get closer. Sniff sniff. Do I smell…beef? Meat? Yes! People always carry more food than they eat, so I get meat tonight! And, sniff, what else? Corn - smells like they burned it. No thanks. Apples? Yes, I smell apples. I love apples! I don’t find them here in the woods - only people have apples. This is better: now I’m close enough to see them good. Yup, only two people. Eww. Cigar smoke. Ooh. I see a cooler.
Wait. Did that person hear me? I don’t think so. It was only a small twig I stepped on. He’s not turning around. Oh no, now he’s turning his head to look. And he’s got a light in his hand. It’s a bright light. Right in my eyes. Thanks a lot, dude. Now he’s calling his friend to look. Great, two people staring at me with two lights. Ok, ok, you’ve seen me, now turn off the lights and get back to your fire. At least they’re not yelling or freaking out. Argh. Looks like they’re gonna keep staring. I’ll just sneak off into the woods and come back later for the food. Let’s see, first some water from the stream, then to mosey on over to the other side of their camp site to wait for them to go inside their shelter. Those people and their shelters. Why don’t they just lay down on the ground to sleep, like me? Oh yeah, no fur. I don’t know what I’d do without my fur. Probably be real cold.
Ah, that was some good water - I like this stream. Here I am, back at the other side of the camp site, out of sight in the trees. They won’t see me here. Now to watch and wait. Look at those two suckers. They keep shining their lights in the direction I walked off. Do they really think I’m gonna come from the same direction? Hello! I know this campground. I live here. What are they doing now? Putting their food away. Cleaning up. Moving all of the food away from the temporary shelter. Yes! I should be able to eat without disturbing them. Just a little longer stomach. Hold on. That one guy’s still watching the fire, but they’re not adding wood. Looks like the fire’s dying. All right! Fire’s out and they’re heading in for the night. Wait. Wait. Wait. The light’s still on inside the shelter. Come on guys, go to sleep - I’m hungry. Light’s off. Wait. Wait. Wait. They should be asleep by now. Alright! Dinner time!
Let’s see what we have here. Apples! Corn! Wait, it’s burned corn. No thanks. Food bars! Don’t want to eat the wrapper on those, so I’ll open one up and have a taste. Mmmmm. And what’s in this unopened bag? One way to find out. I’m guessing chips. Yes! Chips! Fritos! Score! Munch munch. Mmm. Munch munch. I’ll save some of them for dessert. Now for those apples. Munch munch. Mmmm. Good apples. Chomp chomp. I know I’m makin’ noise with these apples, but they’re so good and…wait, what’s that noise? It’s coming from the people’s shelter. Are they getting up? Did they hear me? Munch munch. Oh well, what are they going to do? Keep eating. Chomp chomp. There’s the zipper on the shelter, and there they go. Wait, now that one is turning to see me, with the light in my face again. Munch munch. Good apples. Now the other one has his light on me, too. Come on, guys. Can’t a bear eat a meal in peace? Well? Are you just going to stare at me? Ok, so you want to watch me eat. Well too bad. I think I’ll just grab this cooler and head into the trees. Later, dudes. Hmmm. This is a nice cooler. Fits well in my mouth. And I’m gone. Into the trees. I know they won’t follow me here - no one ever does. And they can’t see me with those lights, not where I am now. But I can hear them yelling. Ha ha ha. Keep yelling guys! Now, let’s see what’s in this cooler. I’ll just pop the lid off (no need to break it). Ice. Juice - orange juice. Good orange juice! Sweeeeeet. Slurp slurp slurp. And…beef! Yes! Only one small piece, but it’s beef. And what’s in this wrapper? Bacon! Bacon bacon bacon! Good, thick bacon! Yeah! Bacon! Munch munch munch. Slurp. Munch. Awesome. What else? Eggs. Nice. Crunch crunch. And…sausage! Good sausage! Woohoo. Munch munch munch. Thanks, guys! You really know how to take care of a bear! I like you. I think I’ll leave the cooler where they can find it in the morning. Mmm. Back to my bacon now. Mmmmm….
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Watch the light.
"Big deal," some might say, "a meteorite (or shooting star)." But those people would be answering prematurely, for there is more startling informatin to be revealed. As this light moved across the sky, it did not move in the smooth, straight line of a regular shooting star (or meteorite). Nay, rather, it zig-zagged up and down as it moved across the sky - most un-meteorite-like. After it had moved across the sky a ways (zig-zagging), the light disappeared.
Immediately upon its disappearence I turned to my right and looked at my friend in wonder, wondering if he had seen it, and indeed if I had really seen what I saw - so awe-struck was I. I discovered that he was staring at me, awe-struck also. We asked each other if we had really seen it, and indeed we had. I have never seen anything like it before or since, and to this day I do not know what it was, and I make no claims for what it was or was not. But I do tell you most certainly that it did not move like any shooting star or meteorite I have ever seen or heard of.
Anyway, that's it, my UFO story. As far as I know there was no missing time, and no long-term effects, just a sighting of something from a distance.
Keep looking up.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Wither Pluto?
Certainly, Pluto isn't affected by what we call it, and neither is the rest of the universe. In fact, life on Earth will not change at all. Sure, textbooks will have to be revised, and certain mnemonic devices will have to be rethought, but that's about it. And there may be a few arguments and debates, but nothing too serious. No wars will be fought, no one will resort to fisticuffs. Angry mobs will not rise up against the cruel oppressors of astronomy. Telescopes and observatories will not be burned or looted. In fact, I'd wager that in 10 years this will not be given a second thought.
After all, the classification of heavenly bodies is just a human convention. We like to classify and categorize and sort and name. Look at the animal kingdom. We have names and classes and orders and families and species and phylums and genuses, but the animals don't care. It doesn't really matter how we class them from the animals' point of view. Look at life, too. When I was in high school there were 5 kingdoms of life - Plant, Animal, Protist, Bacteria, Fungi - and now there are 6 or 7 recognized kingdoms of life - depending on whom one asks. So it is with celestial things. Where there was officially (or unofficially, as there was never a formal definition of planet) one class of things called planet, now there are at least two, and there may be more in the future. So be it.
The thing I don't understand is why some, or maybe many, astronomers are opposed to including Pluto with the planets and possibly classifying more things as planets. There's enough room in the solar system for a few more planets, right? So why are so many in the astronomic community so opposed? I don't know.
The key disqualifier for Pluto's planethood is that it does not "clear its orbit"; that is, it crosses the orbit of another planet - Neptune. Of course, if this definition is consistently applied Neptune must also be demoted from planethood because it crosses Pluto's orbit. On the other hand, one could now argue that since Pluto is not a true planet anymore, Neptune does not cross the path of another true planet. But this is splitting hairs, and could lead to splitting headaches.
Bottom line - it doesn't matter. I shall continue to think of Pluto as one of the planets, regardless of the official classification. It is big and round and it orbits the sun and no other bodies. It was orbiting the sun long before man discovered it, and it will keep on orbiting until the Lord declares otherwise.
Just don't ask Mickey to rename his dog.
Voices part 2
Hear ya later.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Voice is Calling
Now it calls out to me again. What shall I do? Shall I answer this voice? Shall I open my ears once again? I must decide. Has the voice changed from grating to graceful? Or is this merely one more swing around the loop of itself? One more part in the cycle of the voice - its full spectrum?
The cycle of the voice once took years to complete; now it is months. Faster and faster it seems to cycle. How can I listen to the voice but not be caught by its cycle?
Much has happened since last I heard the voice, and I like to think I am a bit wiser in regard to it. I think I can listen wiselyer and avoid those other parts of the voice's spectrum of cycling. I can, I believe, be prepared and shield myself from those parts.
I will call out to this voice. For, in truth, I have been listening for it, hoping that I would again hear it, but also letting it go, further and further behind me. I will call out. I will be cautious, but I will call out. For, in truth, this voice is seeking other voices, other ears. It does not like to be cut off, alone, with no ears to hear it. I will call this voice because I have said that I would be available if the voice ever called out to me again.
At least it's not a voice in my head.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Man it was hot today.
So what else has been going on? I've been riding more, and I'm getting some of my riding strength back. My mountain bike is a custom-built job based around a Santa Cruz Superlight frame (I did not use any Shimano parts). My street/commuter bike started life as a Bridgestone (you remember Bridgestone) MB4, way back in 1994, and now only the frame, derailurs, bottom bracket, and crankset are original (and the rear derailur is scheduled for replacement). I've been riding with a friend of mine, and having a riding partner really motivates me to get out there more than if I was doing only solo rides.
What else is happening? My Z is in the shop - tranny rebuild and front-end work. I hope to get it back this week so I can take advantage of my vacation days and go somewhere. My 510 is a good car - runs great all the time - but it's not so good for long trips. I guess if I don't get my Z back I can take some shorter trips. Either way, I feel the need to get away for a couple of days. This week was supposed to be my annual backpacking trip with friends, but some of them had health challenges and the trip was called off. It was a real let-down, but I've moved on and accepted it.
Keep moving.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Still here
The subconscious mind is an amazing piece of creation. As an example: when I'm sleeping, dreaming, my mind comes up with some incredible stuff. It composes original music, designs complex landscapes, builds complete buildings (interior and exterior), paints individual people, and allows me to experience some cool things. If I could remember that music when I wake, or the blueprints to those buildings, or figure out how to paint those amazing landscapes I could be famous. But alas, they are only temporary - for my own private viewing pleasure only. Too bad - there's some really cool stuff to see. And dreams are just one aspect of the subconscious mind. Imagine all it does when we're awake. How anyone could actually believe that the human mind is a result of random chance and evolution, I don't understand. Clearly, the mind is a created thing, as is everything we see in this world.
Think about that!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Home Again
The first aspect of the drive that I want to comment on is sort of a rant. I've commented before in this space about truckers on the highways. I have nothing against them as people, but I do have something against their practice of passing each other and holding up traffic. In my experience, it is not rare for one truck to pass another truck when their speed difference is very small. This results in a significant slowdown for traffic while one of these lumbering beasts creeps past the other. That would not be too bad if the truck drivers waited for openings in traffic to pass each other, but quite often the driver of the passing truck apparently has no regard for the traffic, and he pulls out whenever he feels like it - regardless of how much space he has. Why do they do this? There was one truck driver that I appreciated, however. He sticks out in my mind because when he passed another truck, he had some excellent momentum and he did not slow down the other traffic. This is a rarity, and I appreciated it. Anyway, enough about this. In then end, it really doesn't matter - it's just a minor annoyance.
The second aspect of that I want to discuss is what happened to me. Before I left home I asked the Lord to remind me that speed is not the most important thing on the road, and I asked Him to help me be calm on the road. He answered yes to both requests. I was often not able to drive as fast as I wanted to, and I was ok with it - I was calm and patient. I was pleasantly surprised, as I have tended to be an impatient guy on the highways. But I was cool this time. Thank you, Lord.
Well, I guess that's all for now.
Keep on truckin'.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
April Musings
As I write this, Resurrection Day (also called Easter Sunday) is drawing to a close. I visited with my family today, and we had some good food and fellowship. We had an excellent message in church today as we remember our Saviour's death and resurrection. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me, and rising again.
The past few weeks I've come to see two seperate holidays being celebrated today - Easter and Resurrection Day. Easter, as I see it, has nothing to do with Jesus or savation - it has only to do with eggs, chickens, bunnies, flowers, pretty dresses, etc. Resurrection Day is a remembrance and celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection - it has nothing to do with the secular trappings of Easter. The two are unrelated, from where I stand. A lot of people choose to celebrate this spring day called Easter (the word "Easter" is, in fact, derived from the word "Ishtar", a goddess of fertility), and I suppose that there is nothing inherently wrong with having fun with some of these things - as long as we remember that this day is really about remembering and celebrating Jesus' finished work of salvation for you and me. I choose to remember Jesus today, and His finished work and empty tomb.
I'll be going on a trip later this week if the Lord wills. I'll be travelling through eastern California and western Nevada. I don't know exactly where I'll be going, or what spots I'll be visiting. I'm considering stopping by the Manzanar Internment Camp from WWII. I've driven past it once or twice, but never stopped by yet. I'd like to get out to Bodie, California, sometime soon, but I understand that the increased rain and snow this year have rendered Bodie inaccessible at this time. It will be good to get away for a while.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Last night I had a disturbing dream. This is rare for me, extremely rare. I don't remember all the details, but I recall that in my dream I was staying at someone's house, and I was getting ready to go to bed. The room was dark, and I saw a small, unknown object fly into the darkened room and land. My thoughts, in the dream, turned immediately to UFO's. I went to sleep (still in the dream) and dreamed disturbing thoughts, getting scared. In my dream within my dream I called out to the Lord, and I woke up in my dream. Still dreaming, I started singing worship songs and waking up the other people in the house. Then I actually woke up, disturbed, and I sang some worship songs. Then I read my Bible and prayed- something I had neglected to do that day, and the previous day. I must admit that for the past few weeks I have been slacking a bit in my daily Bible reading and nightly prayer, not making these things the priority they need to be in my life. As I reflect back on this experience, I believe that the Lord was getting my attention, reminding me of some things I need to be doing every day.
God speaks to us in ways we do not always expect. Last night He used a bad dream to wake me up and to help get me back on track.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I Like to Ride My Bicycle...
Went riding today with a friend of mine. He got a new road bike (Trek XO-1) and he wanted to try it out. We did about 45 miles all around the town. It was excellent. Haven't done a long ride in a long time. As we were riding and conversing, I pointed out a contradiction in his thinking, and I realized that we all have contradictions. For instance, I've heard a lot of people say that they hate a certain electronics retail establishmen, yet those same people continue to shop there. Contradiction. I'm sure that I have some conflicted thoughts and ideas, too.
We've had snow on the hills for a few weeks now. This is most unusual for this area. Snow at all is unusual. Snow several weeks in a row is extremely rare. The weather finally warmed up a bit, and the snow is gone, but it was a sight to behold while it lasted. I have a few pictures here. Image quality was limited by the camera available to me at the time.
I guess that's it for today.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Snow Days!
A related phenomenon that I have observed is that people who live near tourist attractions tend to ignore them, and visitors to those areas tend to seek out the tourist attractions. I live in the vicinity of the Winchester Mystery House and the Mystery Spot, yet I've only been to the Winchester Mystery House once (at the invitation of my visiting cousin), and to the Mystery Spot never. A friend of mine lives near Old Town Sacramento, yet (as far as I know) he doesn't go there. I wonder if people in Paris view the Eiffel Tower as just another building.
Learning to appreciate my surroundings,
Who are you?
countless times in our lives. How do we typically answer? "I
am "Mark. I work for..." Or, "I own such and such a business..."
Or, I do ..." How should we answer these questions? What does the
Bible say?
Romans 1:1-4 "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle
and singled out for God's good news — which He promised long ago
through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures— concerning His Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord, who was a descendant of David according to
the flesh and was established as the powerful Son of God by the
resurrection from the dead according to the Spirit of holiness."
Who does Paul say he is, and what does he do? "a slave of Christ
Jesus, called as an apostle and singled out for God's good news
[Gospel]". "A slave of Christ Jesus". When was the last time any
one of us answered like that? I do not recall ever having answered
someone with that statement. I usually have said, "I am Mark, and I
do..." So many of us identify ourselves based on what we do for a
job, or a hobby, or a business. Yet what is our primary calling on
this earth if we are born again? To tell others the Good News!
Our preacher recently challenged the congregation to think about
this and re-think who we are and what we are really doing on this
earth. I challenge you to do the same.
Who am I? I am Mark, a follower of Jesus, called to spread the Good
News of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. May God give me the
boldness to speak His name whenever and wherever I am.
Monday, February 13, 2006
The Ride
I have chosen to learn from this experience - know your limitations and don't foolishly push yourself farther than you can go. Of course I'm not saying to not push your limits, or improve what you can do. I'm saying to not be foolish about it, as my friend and me were foolish. We went too far. That said, I do want to get back into shape enough to do that same ride with no walking. It will take time, but I know I can do it.
As Clint Eastwood said, "A man's got to know his limitations."
What does it really cost to follow Jesus?
good reminder to me of what our focus should really be. And I
wonder, how focused am I? Would I really risk death to preach the
Gospel? Am I really giving my all to Jesus? What more can I do?
The men mentioned below all died for their faith in Jesus.
Contrast that with what we see from the popular "Christian"
preachers of today - the Joel Osteens, Rick Warrens, Robert
Schullers, Jim Bakers, and the like. Think about your own life.
Contrast what is below with what we (Americans) think of as
persecution. We think we're persecuted when some TV show makes fun
of us. We've got it easy - the apostles and disciples knew
Anyway, think about it.
From Worthy News Brief, Feb. 8, 2006
John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is
not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will
also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep
yours also.
According to traditional statements, Matthew suffered martyrdom by
being slain with a sword in a distant city of Ethiopia. Mark died in
Alexandria, after being cruelly dragged through the streets of that
city. Luke was hung upon an olive tree in Greece. John was put in a
caldron of boiling oil, but escaped death in a miraculous manner,
and was afterward branded at Patmos. Peter was crucified at Rome
with his head downward. James, the Greater, was beheaded at
Jerusalem. James, the Less, was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the
temple, and then beaten to death with a club. Bartholomew was flayed
alive. Andrew was bound to a cross, while he preached to his
persecutors until he died. Thomas was run through the body with a
lance at Coromandel in the East Indies. Jude was shot to death with
arrows. Matthew was first stoned and then beheaded. Barnabas of the
Gentiles was stoned to death at Salonica. Paul, after various
tortures and persecutions, was finally beheaded in Rome by the
Emperor Nero.
We don't want to be the bearers of bad memories, but it's good to
realize how dedicated to the Lord the early believers were. They
weren't in it for the terrific single's fellowship, the excellent
children's program or good messages on Sunday morning. They weren't
in it for the comfortable new pews, the beautiful Christmas pageants
or the potluck dinners.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, James, Bartholomew, Andrew,
Thomas, Jude, Matthew, Barnabas, Paul and many, many others after
them -- they were in it for Jesus, our Messiah!
Monday, January 30, 2006
In California, Dreamin'
I had three dreams the other night, involving two funerals. The first dream was about a funeral for a flute player that I was only slightly acquainted with. It was kind of weird, as dreams generally are. The second dream was about the same funeral, as a continuation. In the dream the funeral lasted for 12+ hours, going into the next day and making me miss work. The third dream was about a funeral for someone I didn't know. In that dream I was taking some part in putting on the funeral. For some reason, those of us participating were dressed as Bible characters. I was either Moses or Abraham - don't remember which. I was a bit disturbed much of the next day, as I'm not used to dreaming about death or funerals. Still, I've never had any kind of premonition, and everyone I know is well. They were only dreams.
I've been hiking up in the hills a bit these past few weeks. I've been going with a friend of mine to a park called Quicksilver. It's beautiful this time of year (well, it's beautiful all year, but winter beauty is differ'nt from summer beauty around here), the green grasses, leaves on the trees, low clouds hanging on the nearby hills. The area that is the park used to be a mercury (quicksilver) mining place. It was quite a big operation in it's time - the late 1800's and early 1900's. There are some nice ruins and old building foundations to bee seen and explored. It is nice to live in a place where nature is only a short drive away.
Get out of the house and do some exploring,