This is an experience I had that I thought worth sharing.
Last night I had a disturbing dream. This is rare for me, extremely rare. I don't remember all the details, but I recall that in my dream I was staying at someone's house, and I was getting ready to go to bed. The room was dark, and I saw a small, unknown object fly into the darkened room and land. My thoughts, in the dream, turned immediately to UFO's. I went to sleep (still in the dream) and dreamed disturbing thoughts, getting scared. In my dream within my dream I called out to the Lord, and I woke up in my dream. Still dreaming, I started singing worship songs and waking up the other people in the house. Then I actually woke up, disturbed, and I sang some worship songs. Then I read my Bible and prayed- something I had neglected to do that day, and the previous day. I must admit that for the past few weeks I have been slacking a bit in my daily Bible reading and nightly prayer, not making these things the priority they need to be in my life. As I reflect back on this experience, I believe that the Lord was getting my attention, reminding me of some things I need to be doing every day.
God speaks to us in ways we do not always expect. Last night He used a bad dream to wake me up and to help get me back on track.
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