March was an unusually rainy month here - the wettest in 100 years. It rained 28 out of 31 days. We're in the middle of April now, and the past couple of weeks have been rainy. We had a couple of days of sun, but more rain today. This must be what it's like to live in Seattle. Anyway, I'm ready for some sunny weather, and I think most people in this area are, too. Although, it is nice to see the grass, trees, and bushes green and full of life.
As I write this, Resurrection Day (also called Easter Sunday) is drawing to a close. I visited with my family today, and we had some good food and fellowship. We had an excellent message in church today as we remember our Saviour's death and resurrection. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me, and rising again.
The past few weeks I've come to see two seperate holidays being celebrated today - Easter and Resurrection Day. Easter, as I see it, has nothing to do with Jesus or savation - it has only to do with eggs, chickens, bunnies, flowers, pretty dresses, etc. Resurrection Day is a remembrance and celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection - it has nothing to do with the secular trappings of Easter. The two are unrelated, from where I stand. A lot of people choose to celebrate this spring day called Easter (the word "Easter" is, in fact, derived from the word "Ishtar", a goddess of fertility), and I suppose that there is nothing inherently wrong with having fun with some of these things - as long as we remember that this day is really about remembering and celebrating Jesus' finished work of salvation for you and me. I choose to remember Jesus today, and His finished work and empty tomb.
I'll be going on a trip later this week if the Lord wills. I'll be travelling through eastern California and western Nevada. I don't know exactly where I'll be going, or what spots I'll be visiting. I'm considering stopping by the Manzanar Internment Camp from WWII. I've driven past it once or twice, but never stopped by yet. I'd like to get out to Bodie, California, sometime soon, but I understand that the increased rain and snow this year have rendered Bodie inaccessible at this time. It will be good to get away for a while.
Happy Resurrection Day!
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