Sunday, July 29, 2012

New House Blog: Episode XXX - Green Island Time

You may have noticed that this Episode is late - it's been more than a week since the previous Episode. The main reason for this is that we've been taking it mostly easy since moving in. We feel we earned a bit of a break because of all of the work we have done so far. But we have not been completely idle. We have done a little unpacking, and we have done some unexpected yardwork, and some other work which we will discuss below.

 The cats are all settling in, and we have recently allowed them to roam freely about the house during the day (they still have to stay in the master bedroom at night).

 Another reason for the delay in posting this Episode is that my computer is under the plastic sheeting in my office (why is there plastic sheeting in there?). This is the first Episode to be composed on and posted from my iPad. I was originally concerned that I wouldn't be able to upload pictures, but we found workaround and here we are. I've found that touch typing on the iPad is not too bad. The keys are placed and spaced well.

Out Of The Woods

We are oficially out of The Woods Apartments. We turned in our keys and cleaned the place out. Here are pictures of the empty apartment.

The empty dining room

The empty master bedroom

Island Time

Our kitchen needed an island, so we got one. It was shipped to us from Home Depot, and some assembly was required. It's white, and it has black granite on the top. Pictures.

The new island

The new island

Green Time

Our neighbor, Peter, unexpectedly offered us two fruit tree seelings for free, which we gladly accepted - a Navel Orange tree, and a Dwarf Tangerine tree. We planted them right away, and here are pictures.

The Navel Orange tree

The Dwarf Tangerine tree

And Finally

And finally, for those who may have doubted that our seeds would take root in the tanbark-infested area of our yard near the sidewalk, we offer you this photo of our first blooming poppy. And that's it for this Episode.

Our first poppy

Time to watch some Olympics action and eat some cheesecake.



Mom said...

I did think you needed more counter space in the kitchen. The island looks real good. We'll try to get over soon.

dr in the rv said...

I knew Becky always wanted an island, but this isn't exactly what I thought she meant.

But at least there is granite on her island :-)