Sunday, August 18, 2019

New House Blog: Episode CCVIII - The Arrival

After three days of driving, in two trucks, with four cats, we arrived at our new Texas House in the late afternoon of Thursday, July 18, 2019.  The first thing we did when we arrived was to park the trucks.  The second thing was to turn off their engines.

High on our priority list was getting the cats settled in the big upstairs room in our Texas House.  You can see the windows of this big room in the photo at left, above the garage.  We unloaded the cats in the big room, unloaded some cat food, cat water, and cat litter for them, and turned the temperature down in that room.  Then we went to supper at a local Mexican restaurant (just the two of us, not the cats).  The food was wonderful, and it may turn into one of our semi-regular eating places.

On Friday, July 19, 2019, we commenced to unload the trucks.  I had the Uhaul backed up almost to the front door, and we were able to place one end of its built-in ramp inside the house for convenient unloading and dolly use.

Here are the before and after pictures of the back of the Uhaul.  We were pleased to see that there was only a minor shifting of contents, and nothing penetrated the rope, bungee, and plywood partition.  All of the plants survived intact.
Unloading the Uhaul went a lot quicker than loading, and we finished up by sweeping it out and returning the ashtray to the cab.  We also unloaded Becky's truck, but I don't have pictures.

In the afternoon we returned the Uhaul to a local facility.  I was glad to not have to drive it any more.

The professional movers arrived early on Saturday, July 20, 2019, which we were happy to see, in part because they had our bed and we would no longer have to sleep on the floor.  The crew consisted of the same long-haul driver who picked up our stuff in California, and one local loader (unloader).

We kept the cats closed in the big upstairs room while everything was unloaded, and for several days afterward.  During the unloading Becky checked off items as they were brought in, and I (once again) tried to look busy while the movers did their work.

We began to set things up soon after, and that process is still ongoing as of this Episode.
Becky's big ficus seems to be enjoying its new home in the sun.

Becky's home office setup.  The tangle of cords was only a temporary condition.  Her office now has proper cable routing and a proper UPS properly set up.

This is the Texas persimmon tree outside our bedroom window.  It is a female tree, as can be seen by the fact that it has fruit (the male trees do not bear fruit).  These persimmons are ripe and ready to eat when they turn dark, dark purple - almost black.  We have not yet harvested any, partly because they're not that easy to reach.

As you can see, Satchmo is settling in nicely, as are the rest of the cats, for the most part.  After several days of confinement in the big upstairs room we let them, by degrees, explore the rest of our Texas House, and now they all roam freely at will.

We have arrived.

1 comment:

Barb R said...

Looks great, am anxious to visit!