Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New House Blog: Episode LXIII - Game Of Numbers

September is here, and that means that summer is winding down, as is our food garden.  The various cucumber plants are just about played out, and we expect to harvest the final cucumbers of the season over the next few weeks.  Our melons, on the other hand, are just coming to full harvest, while our potatoes are used up.  Some of the lettuces are done and have been replanted, and some are still going strong. Our pottery garden is still thriving, and we are enjoying a bountiful crop of various bell-type peppers and some herbs.

New House Numbers

House numbers.  They're not something I spend a lot of time thinking about, or noticing.  I tend to notice curb numbers more than I notice house numbers.  When you live in a house, however, you see your own house numbers a lot, and we got tired of looking at the house numbers that came with our New House, so we changed them.  We didn't change the street address or mailing address, but we changed the actual physical digits that were attached to our New House.  They were quite outdated and poorly painted and attached to the house.  The first photo below shows you the style of  the new numbers we picked out at OSH one night.

The style is 5" Aged Bronze Floating House Numbers, as it states in the photo.

 This photo shows our New House's old house numbers.  Obviously they have been obscured because I'm not going to post my actual address in this public forum.  But this should give you a general idea of their size and location on our New House.
 This photo shows the new number templates taped in place for proper alignment and spacing. 
These are the actual new house numbers mounted on our New House.  As you can see, the aged bronze look is quite fetching, and the floating effect is awe-inspiring.

We promise that actual, corporeal visitors to our New House will be allowed to view the actual house numbers unobscuredly.

Ye Olde Landfille Revisited Again

You will recall from this Episode that we got most, but not all, of our back yard concrete loaded into brother Mike's truck and delivered to ye olde landfille.  Since that time the remaining concrete pile has grown a little, thanks to our replacing bricks in the front yard garden and replacing the circular stone things by the driveway.  This, it seemed like the time had come to load up the truck again for another exciting trip to ye olde sanitairie landfille.  And for this trip we didn't need to borrow any trucks from any brothers - we loaded up Becky's new truck and headed out.  Here is what the load looked like. 

Notice that we also took our old garage door opener with us.

Sweepy came with us, but only for sweeping out the truck bed - we did not leave Sweepy at the dump.
Let us now enjoy some more sights and sounds from ye olde landfille.

 We seem to have rather a good view from the top of the heap.

And that's it for this Episode of the New House Blog.  I was going to tell you all about a mysterious blue light that was flying around in a most unusual way just north of our New House - pictures included (Becky saw it, too).  But then I thought that some of you would be skeptical, or misunderstand me, or tell me it was just an airplane or heliocpter or other known aircraft (I know how airplanes and heliocopters normally move through the air), or you might be in on the conspiracy and would have to silence me somehow.  So I think it's best to leave it as it is for now - an untold account of an unexplained event.  Maybe I'll revisit the issue in a future Episode.

Food for thought.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your dad is the expert on mysterious blue lights in the sky. Mom