Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm a musician.

I had a revelation tonight, an epiphany. I realized that I am at heart a musician, not a technician. I love music! It was after my church's Christmas music program (in which I play the trumpet), that I realized this. For the first time in my life I fully realize that I was born to make music. I was not born to work on computers (my current job), but to create music. I am a creative person. I used to think I was a logical person, and I am good at math and the sciences, but I am also very creative. These past few years I have seen my creative side blossom and grow. And I realize today, December 10, 2005, that I, Bish, am a musician at heart. I do not know what-all this means, or where it might lead, but I am eager to see where the Lord leads me.

Blowin' my horn as long as I'm able,

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