Mystery Door
You may recall this Mystery Door from the previous Episode.
What is behind this door? A treasure room? A classic gangster car? Al Capone's hidden riches? Stacks of antique books? Old newspspers? We will reveal the mystery, but not quite yet.
First Maintenance
We have already completed some routine maintenance in our Texas House. Our compicated HVAC system includes three air filters that need changing every so often, and we have done the initial changing.
This is the filter enclosure outside of Bedroom 1. The other two vents look very similar, so we're only going to focus on this one.
The previous owner informed us that we should use the red-type air filters, as they provide the best balance between airflow and filtration.
As you would expect, there's not much to see behind the filter. There is no picture of the new filter, so you'll just have to imagine what it looks like, or look at the photo above (since it looks the same as the old filter).
Furnace Room
Speaking of filters and air vents, this is the furnace room.
This room is upstairs, and it has its own light switch. On warm days it tends to be warmer than the rest of the house.
This could be in-part because the furnace room is right next to the attic, on the wrong side of the attic insulation.
Our Texas House has a Bradford White water heater, just like our Bay Area House has.
Bonus Extra Storage
This is our bonus extra storage room, under the stairs.
This room includes at least one light switch.
Mystery Revealed
At last we reveal the mystery behind the mystery door. What will we find? What ancient secrets will we discover?
Behold the garage!
The empty garage that has no treasures.
The garage with shelves that do not contain Al Capone's hidden riches.
The big, empty, treasureless garage that houses the controller for the complicated sprinkler system. We're still figuring out how to use this thing (with some help from the former owners).
So Many Breakers!
The big, empty, garage houses not just one, but two breaker boxes, and two light switches.
That's a lot of breakers! Almost as many breakers as there are light switches in our Texas House! Fortunately, they're all labelled (accurately, we hope).
Out Front
We now move outside, starting with the front of our Texas House.
This is the front of the house, and this view gives an indication of the size of the front yard.
This is the outside view of the big, empty garage. Above the garage is the Large Bedroom.
Opposite the big, empty garage you can see a sampling of plants that the local deer have not eaten.
Looking from the front door area toward the street.
Out Back
At the back of our Texas House we have a long, narrow balcony, with ceiling fans.
Here you can see two of the three doors that lead out onto the balcony.
Looking toward the neighbor's yard.
Looking toward the other neighbor's yard. The black and silver thing sticking out of the wall is an insulating cover for the water spigot. It is not the most convenient location for a hose hookup.
This intrusive tree limb will have to go.
The view from the back yard area.
Seen from another angle. Yes, that is a solid concrete pad. We have not yet discovered any hidden rooms or secret vaults inside of the concrete pad.
We don't have a back fence. Instead we have corner boundary markers. This is boundary marker one.
This is boundary marker two. I used a tape measure and the survey map to verify that these are indeed our property boundaries.
Our property line runs through this cactus patch and under the trees on the left.
Parting Shot
Today's parting shot was taken down by the river.