Sunday, February 04, 2007

Encore A Pear Ance

A red pear? Surely they were joking. That red thing in with the other pears couldn't be a pear, or could it? This I had to see. Yes, indeedy, it was a red pear - a variety called the Red Anjou. Who woulda thunk it? A red pear. Very interesting. I got a couple, and I ate them (at home).

The Red Anjou is an excellent pear. In shape it is shorter less "pear-shaped" than your traditional pear. The coloration is dark red, with a hint of a yellowish undercoat showing through sometimes. From a distance, it almost looks like a slightly mis-shapen pomegranate. Inside, it looks like a normal pear. The flesh is soft, and juicy beyond belief. And the taste. The Red Anjou is a very sweet, succulent pear. It is very easy to eat one very quickly. Whey you taste it, you will want to just keep eating and eating. Mmmmmmm... Where was I? Oh yes, right. Moving on. The skin is very thin and soft, soft enough for a fingernail to accidentally pierce, and it's a little gritty.

So far, the Red Anjou is my favorite pear. Try one today, and you'll be hooked. They're that good.

Bet you can't eat just one.

** Bonus pear fact: You can judge the ripeness of a pear by gently squeezing the neck (the thin part by the stem). If it's soft, the pear is ripe. Of course, you've got to decide if you want to squeeze a bunch of pears that other people are going to eat. ;)