Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Voice is Calling

A voice. I hear it. A voice from the past. A voice that has been silent for a time. Many yoms. A voice that was grating and harsh when last I heard it. Now it calls to me from the mists. Calls me to call back to it. It is no longer harsh, but kind and inviting. A voice I know well. This voice, has it run out of ears in its misty realm? Is it seeking familiar ears to fall upon? Familiar voices to return the call? I have known this voice - the full spectrum of itself - for many yoms, until it silenced itself to me. Chose to not fill my ears more with sound. Chose to be a voice unto itself - a voice that did not need any ears to hear it.

Now it calls out to me again. What shall I do? Shall I answer this voice? Shall I open my ears once again? I must decide. Has the voice changed from grating to graceful? Or is this merely one more swing around the loop of itself? One more part in the cycle of the voice - its full spectrum?

The cycle of the voice once took years to complete; now it is months. Faster and faster it seems to cycle. How can I listen to the voice but not be caught by its cycle?

Much has happened since last I heard the voice, and I like to think I am a bit wiser in regard to it. I think I can listen wiselyer and avoid those other parts of the voice's spectrum of cycling. I can, I believe, be prepared and shield myself from those parts.

I will call out to this voice. For, in truth, I have been listening for it, hoping that I would again hear it, but also letting it go, further and further behind me. I will call out. I will be cautious, but I will call out. For, in truth, this voice is seeking other voices, other ears. It does not like to be cut off, alone, with no ears to hear it. I will call this voice because I have said that I would be available if the voice ever called out to me again.

At least it's not a voice in my head.