Sunday, November 24, 2013

New House Bog: Episode LXVII - Drain The Rain

Once again Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and this year we are preparing to host a Thanksgiving feast at our New House.  Today I gave the linoleum flooring its somewhat annual sweeping and mopping, and I got to break in our brand new mop bucket (the previous mop bucket had become cracked and unusable due to sitting outside on the back porch for several months).  The new mop bucket performed flawlessly.  To make the day complete, Daisy and Satchmo got their claws trimmed.  Neither one was too keen on the idea, but they were handsomely compensated for their trouble.  

Drain The Rain

A section of our New House's rain gutter had disattached itself from the rest of our New House and fallen to the ground below.  Upon close investigation we discovered that this particular section of rain gutter seemed to have been attached to our New House rather less securely than was the rest of the rain gutter system.  It was a pretty straightforward job to reattach this section of rain gutter to our New House.

This is the fallen section of rain gutter, looking somewhat like an oarfish that has washed up on the beach.  This particular section was attached to the right side of the garage roof.

 This is the rain gutter reattached to our New House, as seen from above.  We used the two-ladder system for this project.
This is the same section of rain gutter as seen from below.

We completed this job just days before the first rain of the season came to our area.  So far the reattached section is working well.

Bonus Rainbow Photo

This is a photo of a rainbow I saw across from our New House after a recent rain.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are

1 comment:

Mom said...

We appreciated your clean floor and all the work you went to on Thanksgiving Day! Love, Mom